12 Habits to 'Try On’ For a Healthier You in 2022

12 Habits to 'Try On’ For a Healthier You in 2022

Hello beautiful wellness seekers, I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

Happy New Year! Happy, happy 2022!

I hope you had a beautiful holiday season with your friends and family, and now I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and start barking at you about all the BAD habits you should break and the GOOD habits you should adopt to make this year. Your! Best! Ever! 

No, not at all! Ha!

Sure, I'm a wellness coach, and yes, I’m a total geek about all things' health, wellness, creating new habits, etc., but I’m also all about a gentler, kinder approach with my mantra being slow and steady always wins the race. 

Furthermore, I wouldn't say I like the words good and bad in association with habits or actions (and I urge my clients to let them go, as well.) An action either supports your long-term goals or not. So, actions and habits are either supportive or less supportive, never good or bad. 

Now I assume you have a desire to get healthier coupled with some New Years' motivation. New Year, new you, and tons of motivation to try something new. Right? But maybe you're not sure what to do with your healthier goal and your motivation. You want to do something, but what? Besides, you don’t want to make another resolution that tanks by the time February rolls around. 

OK, well, you've come to the right place. Don't worry, I've got you, and let’s ride that motivational wave together!

 I have several actions I will offer you based on my daily routine that are part of my current lifestyle. I’ve written and recorded many vlogs about these habits, and all of these actions or habits I’ve received and continue to see multiple benefits from.

There’s a twist, though, instead of that typical new year’s resolution, of ‘I’m adding this new habit starting now and lasting forever and ever and ever (or until February whichever comes first.’ Ha!) Instead, I’m going to suggest you try the new action on or borrow it like a library book. In other words, pick one of the small habits and commit to it for thirty days and 30 days only.

Right? Because 30 days feels doable, and forever is a very, very long time! 

Then at the end of thirty days, take stock. Maybe write down the benefits or changes you noticed. How did it go?   How do you feel?

And then the options are:

1 – Let the habit go. You committed to 30 days. You completed the 30-day challenge. So give yourself a high five and celebrate your integrity. Woo Hoo!

2 - Continue with the habit. You like it.  You feel fantastic.  Why stop?

3 - Even if you benefited from it, you might want to let it go and try another habit from the list for thirty days. Who knows, maybe you'll cycle through all these actions one thirty-day chunk at a time? It could be a fun experiment!

Or, lastly,

4 - Maybe,  you’ll add one more habit on top of the last habit every thirty days. Compounding the health benefits. So at the end of 2022, all 12 actions are part of your lifestyle.  Just like me!  But this is just a thought, no pressure 😊  

So, you have several options. But basically, I invite you, hey, even perhaps gently nudge you to pick at least one 30-day habit and dive right in.

Without further delay, here are 12 daily actions that are part of my lifestyle you might adopt for 30 days to further your intention for a healthier you in 2022:

1 - Write down three things you are grateful for

2 - Meditate for at least 5 minutes

3-  Spend five minutes reading something inspirational or spiritual

4 – Pick an affirmation such as ‘I affirm that all will go well today, and I will enjoy it all.’ Or ‘I have all that I want and need.’  Repeat 5 times out loud while looking in a mirror. 

5 - Eat three servings of fruit or vegetables

6 - Eat three nutritious meals per day with no snacks in between

7 - 15 min. of stretching, yoga, weights, walking, jogging, or another movement. You pick 😊

8 - 10 min. Practicing a skill you want to acquire – I have my piano and French; what would that be for you?

9 - 1 vegan meal each day (hey, you got to start small!)

10 - Let go of sugar and flour

11 - Let go of caffeine

12 - Let go of alcohol

There you go—twelve actions you could implement, which would further your intention for a healthier you in 2022!

I encourage you to pick one, commit to it for 30 days and, then either let it go, celebrate your 30-day win, or stick with it if you love it and it feels fantastic. Maybe you’ll let that one habit go and try another. Or, ding, ding, ding, bonus points! What if you went through the list and added the following new habit on top of last month’s habit?

Imagine where you would be mentally, physically, even spiritually a year from now if you slowly, month by month, layered each of those habits one on top of the other? Wow! You would, for sure, knock your intention for a healthier you in  2022 right out of the ballpark. 

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and thank you for reading this blog about 12 actions you could try on for 30 days that will support your intention for a healthier you in 2022. If you have any questions about this blog, health, wellness, or wellness coaching with me, please reach out via my website at lizmosercoaching.com.

Bye for now and be well,



























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