How Do You Spend Your Time?

Do we truly know how we spend our time each day? To figure that out for myself, I ran an experiment. I wrote down everything I was doing at 15-minute intervals for one day. Check out this blog to see what percentage of my time was spent on self-care, work, chores, and fun and relaxation.

Part 2: Finding The Grey in A Black and White

In part 1 of Finding the Grey In A Black And White World, I explored the challenges I’ve faced since the new year and how I’ve had to come to terms with the advice I’ve given to many clients. In this week’s blog, part 2, I explore the 4 specific reasons to just do something instead of quitting altogether. Those reasons are Grey Area, Integrity, Health, and Physics.

Finding The Grey in A Black and White

This blog is about the challenges of finding the grey area in a black and white world or continuing with your best effort even if it's less than you had planned or hoped for. I counsel my clients to keep going with their wellness commitments even if it’s an abbreviated version, yet for the last few months, I found it challenging to take my own coaching advice.

Daily Inspirational or Spiritual Reading

For over 4 plus years I’ve read something inspirational every day. In this blog, I explore why this is a beneficial habit, how a book might be a better choice than your on-line device, and I recommend several books that have been in my rotation.

The A.B.C.'s of Goal Setting: the S.M.A.R.T. Method

In the last few blogs, I've talked about first base goals, my term for relatively easy actions you can repeat often, if not daily, to cement long-term lifestyle changes. Another term and a more appropriate coaching term for first base goals is a smart goal. S. M. A. R. T. Smart. Smart goals are coaching 101, and I'm surprised in two years of writing blogs, I've never touched on smart goals, so here it goes! Smart goals or S. M. A. R. T. is an acronym where S stands for specific, M - measurable, A - achievable, R - relevant, and T - time-bound. Check out the blog for more details!

3 Tricks I've Learned From My Goal Setting Challenges

In this blog, I review 4 1/2 years of my nightly checklists and share a goal-setting win (meditation) and a goal-setting challenge (a consistent wake time.) Then I share three coaching 'tricks of the trade' to try when there is an activity you want to perform daily but you're reaching the goal sporadically.

Activity Logs for Habit Building: My Moving Meditation Log

Two methods for motivating you and tracking completed actions while strengthening new habits are nightly checklists and calendar challenges. I review both of those methods in this blog and then introduce a third method which is keeping a habit log or journal. A log is like a nightly checklist but way more robust, and for only one action. A log is a way to cross off that you've completed a habit while recording relevant and interesting info for future reference. It's a way for you to continually learn and grow.

My 2021 Habits Review and New Goals for 2022

In this blog, I review my 2021 nightly checklists and come clean on how many days I did (or didn’t do!) my habits such as waking at 5 am, meditation and making my bed. I also share my specific goals for 2022 making all of you lovely readers my unwitting accountability partners. So, thank you, in advance, for supporting me in reaching my 2022 goals :-)

12 Habits to 'Try On’ For a Healthier You in 2022

In my first blog of 2022, I invite you to pick a habit from a list of 12 actions that are part of my daily lifestyle. Then instead of adopting it ‘forever,’ like most New Year’s resolutions, I suggest you simply commit for 30 days. A 30-day habit ‘loan’ feels a lot more doable than forever!

The Proof Is In The Plants: Part 2 The 40 Plant Per Week Challenge

In part 2 of The Proof Is In The Plants discussion I recap my key takeaways from part 1 and share my experiences with the 40 plants in a week challenge. In part 1, I challenged us to write down all the plants and spices we consumed in a week with the goal being they tally up to 30 plants and 10 spices. To see how I did on my challenge and to find out why this makes sense for your health (and the health of the planet!) keep reading.

The Proof Is In The Plants: Part 1

In this first blog of a two blog series, I introduce you to Simon Hill's book, The Proof Is In The Plants with my major takeaways. I also gently urge you (yes, you! :-)) to take the 40 plants in a week challenge. Then in part two of this blog series, we will compare the notes from our challenges and see how many different plants we eat in a week.

Meditating in the Real World

No time for meditation? No time for cardiovascular exersise? Well, why not combine the two! In this blog, I talk about how I’m experimenting with combining my morning meditation and my cardiovascular routine. This isn’t a traditional walking meditation, but I’m creating what works for me. Check out this blog to get pointers on how you can let go of perfectionism and make your self-care routine work in your busy life.

Flip Your Script!

I’m sure you’re familiar with the fairy tale, The Emperor Has No Clothes, where it took one bold person to admit reality: the emperor was naked instead of wearing a suit of fabulous new clothing. The script the masses were buying into was the suit was real instead of the truth. He was wearing his birthday suit! What does this have to do with wellness and wellness coaching? Check out this blog to find out…

The Power of Sleep

In this blog, I discuss the fascinating book Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Mathew Walker. First, I share what for me were the salient points of the book, and then I talk about what changes I’ve made to my sleep routine and why I made those changes.

Stand Up!

What’s currently grabbing my attention is the book, The Alzheimer’s Solution: A Breakthrough Program to Prevent and Reverse the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline at Every Age, written by Doctors Ayesha and Dean Sherzai. In this blog, I discuss their research-backed 5-prong approach for fending off dementia and alzheimer’s as we age. An integral part of the anti-alzheimers plan is a lifestyle of exercise coupled with a commitment to move throughout the day. To give you a hint I suggest you stand while you read the blog!