Bright Light Therapy

Bright Light Therapy

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. 

Today I want to talk about light therapy lamps, or as they are commonly known as either happy lights or conversely SAD lights where SAD stands for or seasonal affective disorder. 

In the fall, as daylight shortens and the nights get longer, I remember to pull out my two 10,000 lux, 6,500 kelvin bright light therapy lamps.

I have two bright therapy lamps. One is a task light on my work desk. It’s about $62 on Amazon, and I have a smaller light that sits on my sofa side table. I turn that one on as I answer my client’s texts and messages in the early morning.  the smaller bright light therapy lamp is approximately $30 on Amazon. 

Light therapy lamps work because our brain's chemistry and body-clock are affected by light. Light stimulates hormones and neurotransmitters that greatly influence our overall feelings of well-being.

Bright light exposure, particularly early in the day and preferably with in the first 30 minutes of getting out of bed stimulates our body's production of serotonin (which improves mood and happiness) and regulates melatonin in the evening (which promotes sleep.)

Adding light therapy to your daily routine allows you to naturally stimulate the production of these important hormones to keep your body running smoothly.

Now here’s some of the Science:
Light therapy lamps use a full spectrum light bulb that mimics daylight at 6,500K, and they provide a light intensity of 10,000 lux, which is the clinical standard for effective light therapy for treating seasonal mood disorders.

Unlike ordinary indoor lighting, full-spectrum light includes all colors in the electromagnetic wavelength, from infrared to ultra-violet, visible, and non-visible, but without the harmful UV Rays.

What does Kelvin mean?
On the light color temperature scale, pitch-black darkness like at nighttime is 0 kelvin, and daylight at around noon is around 5,000 - 5,500K. Whereas the soft, warm light bulbs in your home typically have a color temperature of just 2,700 - 3,000K.

And what is lux?
Lux is a measure of the intensity of light, as seen by the human eye. Technically speaking, one “lux” is one lumen per square meter. And to put that in perspective, a typical lighted hallway in an office building would measure about 80 lux, while direct sunlight on a bright day can measure upward of 80,000-100,000 lux.

Now you understand what full-spectrum light is and what kelvin and lux mean.  In any event, the aim is to purchase and use a light therapy lamp with 10,000 lux, which is full-spectrum light without harmful UV rays, and that mimics daylight at 6,500 kelvin. 

What are all the benefits of light therapy lamps:
Mainly, they enhance mood, as I mentioned earlier. Specifically, there is research-based evidence showing that bright light therapy significantly reduces the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and even in some instances works as effectively as antidepressant medication. 

Also, bright light therapy,
Increases energy, and improves concentration
It regulates the circadian rhythm, which improves sleep disorders, and jet lag.

And, bright light therapy is linked to body leanness, and Improvements in several hormones, particularly leptin and ghrelin, which regulate appetite, metabolism, and body fatness.

Bright light therapy lamps improve mood, energy, sleep, and hormone regulation linked to metabolism and body leanness.

Now that you understand the benefits of bright light therapy, you most likely want to purchase one for yourself, and you’re wondering how to use it:
First thing,
When you're able, getting outside into the direct sunshine within 30 minutes of rising out of bed is truthfully the best-case scenario. 
If that’s not available, as in the fall, and winter months, then using your 10,000 lux bright light therapy lamp for at least 10 minutes, but 20 to  30 minutes is ideal within 30 minutes of waking up is the next best thing. 
Sit approximately 12- 24 inches in front of the light. Keep in mind you're not supposed to look directly into the light, but position it at an angle from your eyes.  If using a clock as an example, around "2:00" or "10:00" are the perfect positions. 
Most people start noticing its positive effects in as little as three days or up to two weeks.

In sum, 30 minutes is the “dose” of light that has been found optimal to trigger biochemical changes in your brain.  This provides the right amount of full-spectrum light needed to regulate that (sleepy) melatonin and boost that (happy) serotonin.  I use my light therapy desk lamp throughout the day, and I turn my small light on about 20 minutes after I wake in the morning as I respond to my clients’ texts and messages.  I find my light therapy lamp is an essential part of my fall and winter health and wellness tool kit. 

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.  If you have any specific questions about light therapy lamps, health, and wellness, or wellness coaching with me, please reach out through my website at

Bye for now and be well,















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