My Stay at Home by the Numbers  (March 18th  - May 31st)

My Stay at Home by the Numbers (March 18th  - May 31st)

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, and I’m a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.  In this blog, I share what I didn't do, what I accomplished, and what new skill I learned during my state's stay at home order. So, here we go…

What I chose not to do:
Clean out closets
Reorganize drawers - (Not necessarily proud of this, but I wasn’t called to organize, so I didn't 😉)
Bake bread- (I don’t eat sugar and flour. So, no baking for me!)

What I accomplished:
761,017 Steps - often while talking with family and friends or listening to books on Kindle Sync.
5,340 minutes of Yoga
3,840 minutes of Meditation
76 days without sugar, flour or junk food
13 Books read
11 Videos and Blogs posted
9 Puzzles assembled

And (drum roll, please!)

1 new Yoga Pose – (watch the video to find out😉)

There you go! That’s what I accomplished, what I chose not to do, and what I learned during my states stay at home order. 

Now, it's your turn!  Please email me at and share with me what you accomplished during your stay at home order.  Or, get in touch if you have any questions about health and wellness or wellness coaching with me. 

Be well, and bye for now! Liz


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