Bunny Slippers

Bunny Slippers

Hi, I’m Liz Moser, and I'm a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness coach.

Today I want to explore  Bunny Slippers

Bunny Slippers aren't merely cute and cozy footwear. They represent a state of being; an allowance, an acceptance of the body and minds need to relax, rejuvenate, and heal.

Last week I discussed how important it is to allow time for your most effective renewing activities while pushing towards a singular goal. 

That’s true, yet that isn't enough to allow you to achieve your goal, in my case, sit for a certification exam and then bounce right back to your life as if the last two months of low-grade stress and adrenaline surges never happened.

I’ll admit, I didn’t fully realize how ON I  was.  Despite my self-care: my consistently nutritious food, regular sleep patterns, meditation, yoga, walking, and my social support, I still arrived the day after my test surprised by my brain's almost inability to function. 

Holding a conversation seemed challenging!

Each day I move closer to my usual amount of zest and energy.  That said, this is the first time in my life I've experienced a singular event this demanding without my old favorite tools for numbing and distracting (junk food, alcohol, and TV) coupled with my favorite pick-me-ups (sugar and caffeine). 

I spent the weekend and Monday valiantly typing on my computer trying to make sense of what I wanted to share with you this week, and when I floated my Big Idea by my Monday Master Mind Group, they just scratched their heads in confusion. 

Even with my beloved Energenesis, my brain and body felt wrapped in cotton wool. 

Well, this week's post is about honoring, allowing, and simply not fighting where the heck you are.  The more stimulating and or numbing activities and substances we let go of, the more we have no choice but to experience our reality as-is without a filter or buffer. 

How often is the trigger or catalyst for what we deem our bad habits such as consuming processed foods and overeating, alcohol and substance abuse, and excessive screen time, not allowing the present emotion to BE

We’re too tired, bored, angry, happy, elated, or excited, and we don’t want to feel that right now.  We prefer the opposite emotion. Thank you very much! 

Or we’d prefer feeling nothing at all just vegging out.

Well, I’ve spent a lot of time in search of another emotion, or more of an emotion or less of an emotion.  It's a life; you're alive, the heart’s pumping, brain’s functioning, but it's not an authentic representation of your present moment experience. 

When you deny where you’re at and what you’re feeling, you’re telling yourself you don't matter, like a parent shushing their child and saying that kids need to be seen and not heard.  You’re denying your self-expression.

Well, the kid in me is tired and rightly so!

I don’t know how long it will take for me to return to my usual peppy zestful self, but I know that this too shall pass and until then, my metaphorical Bunny Slippers are firmly on my feet.

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach, and  I hope you have a week where you lovingly embrace where you are, whether you are feeling happy or sad, zestful, or tired. Either way, those emotions represent your truth. Genuinely live your life.

Thanks for reading this blog and if you have any questions about this blog, or if you have any questions about health and wellness or wellness coaching with me, please contact me through  my website at  lizmosercoaching.com

Bye for now!  Liz


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