What is a Mastermind Group and Why Do I Need One?

What is a Mastermind Group and Why Do I Need One?

Hello,  I'm Liz Moser, and I'm a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach.  Today's topic is my thoughts,  insights, and tips concerning Mastermind Groups.

A Mastermind Group is a peer-to-peer mentoring concept used to help members solve their challenges and reach their goals with input and advice from the other group members. The idea was coined in 1925 by author Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success and described in more detail in his 1937 book Think and Grow Rich

In general, Mastermind Groups are small groups of like-minded individuals who meet regularly to support each other, brainstorm, hold each other accountable, and grow together in their life’s goals.  Joining a mastermind group is a positive step towards success in any area of your life.

For over a year, I've met on a Zoom video conference call every Monday between 9:30 am, and 11 am with three other women.

The women in my mastermind group have been on my mind lately because when I reviewed my weekly blogs, I realized I often reference their wise words.  They are an ongoing source of clarity, encouragement, and inspiration for me.  If I’d known how pivotal they would be for my continuing success with my goals and in life, I wouldn't have waited so long to find these women and form a mastermind group with them.  

As the saying goes, you don't know what you don't know, and as it turns out, the insights and inspiration I receive are invaluable, and it's the format of the group structure that fosters,  that specific kind of support.  The 12 minutes in the sweet seat where 3, thoughtful, wise people are focused solely on you, and your challenge or success is possibly unlike any other support you have in your life. 

Here are some of my tips, thoughts, and insights about mastermind groups:

Follow a specific format:
My Mastermind group employs a strict 90-minute format, and we faithfully start and stop the meeting on time.  We rotate leadership between the 4 of us so that everyone performs that role equally. 

The leader uses a stopwatch and times each of our opening statements (2 minutes each), then each person shares in the sweet seat (12 minutes each), getting feedback from the group in whatever way would be most helpful. Then we close with our takeaways and what we are committed to for the following week (2 minutes each). 

Copy this format or create your own; either way, stick with it and use a timer. 

Undivided attention.
in your life do you get 12 minutes to speak without cross-talk, while three other people (or how many are in your group), solely focus on you?  This is not just for challenges and issues.  If you've had a fantastic week,  well, then crow about it for 12 minutes! Twelve minutes of undivided attention.  It’s amazing. 

I don’t need a Mastermind group!
If you are rocking life right now and you think you don’t need a Mastermind group. Ok, then, where do you want to uplevel your life?  A mastermind format is an invaluable tool for lifelong learners, or for people who are looking for their next challenge, who are seeking their growth edge

Some best practices:
Use Zoom, Facebook messenger video, or some other online conference room where participants can view each other.  Video conferencing eliminates multitasking.  It’s not time to walk the dog or fold laundry.   Make sure your mastermind calls are solely dedicated to each other without distractions. 
Use a timer.  Start and stop on time.  Whatever format you and your group decide on, stick with it faithfully.     

Who do you want in your group?
That’s a personal decision.  However, I call to mind the expression, you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with.  For me, that requires I  spend time with people who challenge me and who push themselves professionally, physically, mentally, even spiritually

Or, in other words, make sure your mastermind crew are people you admire, and who will hold you accountable. 

In Sum, I urge you to establish a mastermind group or join an existing one.  Just do it!  I promise you it’s not akin to any other support you have.  It’s an opportunity to be both vulnerable and supportive.  In a sense, you get to coach and receive coaching. This peer to peer support will strengthen your resolve, determination, and help you achieve your goals. 

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach, and thanks for watching this video.  If you have any questions about this video, or if you have any questions about health and wellness or wellness coaching with me, please contact me through  my website at  lizmosercoaching.com

Bye for now!  Liz




























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