Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 3: What Do You Want More Of In Your Life?

Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 3: What Do You Want More Of In Your Life?

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

The kickoff call with my new clients takes about an hour and a half, and it’s about uncovering the information they need to create their wellness visions.

 The Mayo Clinic Defines a wellness vision as:

‘A compelling statement that describes you at your most actualized self.  It defines what you truly desire and how you live when you're at your most aligned with your values and purpose.  The vision may include behaviors, actions, strengths, feelings, relationships, or a metaphor or visual image for comparison.  The wellness vision should give you confidence, energy, and authentication in your desired changes.’

My clients hire me because they desire a healthier lifestyle.  Usually, they want support and accountability around their nutritional habits.   So they have an idea about what they desire or want more of or less of in their lives while being unclear about their values or strengths.

During our initial 90-minute call, we explore how their values align with their goals, unique strengths, or abilities to make those goals a reality. Despite their certainty about their purpose for coaching, I still ask them to explore further what they want more of or less of in their lives. 

Before the coaching call, I send my clients several worksheets to explore their values, strengths, and desires. 

In the first video in this series, I shared the values worksheet with you, exploring what’s essential to you.

In Part 2, you used the strengths worksheet to examine your areas of confidence or the skills you use to overcome challenges.

And now, in Part 3, we will examine your desires and what you want more or less of in your life using the Domain Satisfaction Scale.

Next week, for the last installment in this series, in Part 4, we will examine the info you gathered from today and vlogs 1 and 2, then synthesize all of that into your wellness visions. 

Below, you will find the same worksheet my clients use called the Domain Satisfaction Scale.

Most of my clients arrive in coaching with a specific health and wellness goal, yet it’s beneficial to see how they assess other areas of their life.  Then at the end of coaching, I ask them to fill out the  Domain Satisfaction Scale again and compare their before coaching scale to the after-coaching scale. 

It’s satisfying for them to recognize how the positive improvements from their primary wellness goal tend to ripple out to other areas of their lives.  For instance, if a client stops eating or drinking alcohol after dinner there sleep number on the scale might go from a 3, ‘slightly dissatisfied’, to a 5, ‘slightly satisfied.’  Or, if they start batch cooking lunches to bring to work instead of buying lunch Monday through Friday, their money and finances could jump from a 4, ‘neutral’ to a 5, ‘slightly satisfied.’    

 Health and Wellness Domain Satisfaction scale:  Use the following scale to rate your satisfaction with each area of health and wellness listed below: 

7 = Totally satisfied 6 = Satisfied 5 = Slightly satisfied 4 = Neutral, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3 = Slightly dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 1 = Totally dissatisfied

1.  ______ Overall Health

2. ______ Eating Habits

3. ______ Sleep

4. ______ Physical Fitness

5. ______ Energy Level

6. ______ Spirituality

7. ______ Weight

8. ______ Resiliency

9. ______ Support

10. ______ Body Image

11. ______ Other:

12. ______ Other:


 Overall Life Domain Satisfaction Scale: Use the following scale to rate your satisfaction with each area of life listed below:   7 = Totally satisfied 6 = Satisfied 5 = Slightly satisfied 4 = Neutral, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied  3 = Slightly dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 1 = Totally dissatisfied 

1.  ______ Money/Finances

2. ______ Friends/Community 

3. ______ Health/Wellness 

4. ______ Living Environment 

5. ______ Spirituality 

6. ______ Romance/Love 

7. ______ Personal Development/Growth 

8. ______ Play/Fun 

9. ______ Family 

10. ______ Career/Education 

11. ______ Other: 

12. ______ Other:

The Domaine Satisfaction scale is a visual map that allows you to see what areas of your life are humming along and what areas you might want to focus on. 

You’ll notice that the Domaine Satisfaction worksheet includes a health and wellness scale and an overall life scale.  It shows different areas of your life such as sleep, body image, eating habits, money and finances, and several other areas. 

I invite you to rate these different areas in your life using the scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is 'totally dissatisfied’ and 7 is ‘totally satisfied.’ That said, please remember, this is not a contest; there are no prizes for getting all 6's or 7's on this scale. Furthermore, if you record a 2 or 3, please no self-judgment or criticism. OK? Try to have fun with it. It's just an exercise and a reflection of where you are at today. 

I’m now going to suggest you take a few minutes and complete the worksheet……


Welcome back!  I’m going to assume you completed the Domaine Satisfaction exercise and you rated different areas of your life on a scale from 1 ‘totally dissatisfied’  to 7 ‘totally satisfied.’ 

Now, let me ask you:

What stands out for you as you look at how you ranked the different areas?

 What did you learn about yourself by completing the exercise?

 What life areas would you like to improve?

 What would need to happen to increase your score in any area by even one point?

 Choose an area on the domain satisfaction scale with a lower number; how would your life be different if it were higher?

 Looking over the results, what are 1 or 2 areas that you would like to start working on right away?  And what are your next steps?

 In next week’s blog, the final week in this 4 part series, utilizing the info from today and the last two weeks, we'll delve into creating your wellness vision, the expression of you at your most actualized self.

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and thank you for reading this blog about exploring your desires. The third blog in a four-part series about creating your wellness vision.  If you have any questions about this blog, about health and wellness, or wellness coaching with me, please reach out via my website at

Bye for now, be well, 




















Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 4: Creating Your Wellness Vision

Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 4: Creating Your Wellness Vision

Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 2: What Skills do You Use to Overcome Challenges?

Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 2: What Skills do You Use to Overcome Challenges?