Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 1:  What Do You Value?

Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 1:  What Do You Value?

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

The kickoff call with my new clients takes about an hour and a half, and it’s about uncovering the information they need to create their wellness visions.

 The Mayo Clinic Defines a wellness vision as:

‘A compelling statement that describes you at your most actualized self.  It defines what you truly desire and how you live when you're at your most aligned with your values and purpose.  The vision may include behaviors, actions, strengths, feelings, relationships, or a metaphor or visual image for comparison.  The wellness vision should give you confidence, energy, and authentication in your desired changes.’

My clients hire me with an idea about what they desire or want more of or less of in their lives.  However, they are usually unclear about their values or strengths.  During our initial 90-minute call, we explore how their values align with their goals and their strengths or ability to make those goals a reality.

Before the coaching call, I send my clients several worksheets to explore their values, strengths, and desires. 

I’ll be sharing those worksheets with you over the next four weekly vlogs.  This week, Part 1 in creating your wellness vision is about what’s important to you what you value.

In Part 2, we will explore your strengths or what ‘tools’ you utilize to achieve your goals.

In Part 3, we will look at your desires and what you want more or less of in your life.

Lastly, in Part 4, we will examine the info you gathered from parts 1, 2, and 3 and how to synthesize all of that into your wellness vision. 

And here is the Values Worksheet my client use…..

Values .png

The sheet shows many values from acceptance to wisdom, with an area to write in any values not listed.

As you look over this sheet, the goal is to discover your top 5 core values.  At first, circle all the values on this list that resonate with you and then hone them down to your top 5.  Please resist the urge to treat this like a shopping list of ‘shoulds.’


I want you to connect to what is essential to you. 

I want you to tap into what motivates you. 

In other words:  what are your WHYS?  Why do you do what you do?

Now, if you’re feeling stumped or overwhelmed.  I suggest you take a break and think about a person you admire.

Is it Steve Jobs, Michelle Obama, a relative, or perhaps your 3rd-grade teacher?

Pick a person you respect or admire and write down what you appreciate about that individual. 

Why am I asking you to do this?  I’m asking because what we admire in others are examples of our values or what's essential to us.  

Next, compare what you respect about that person with the values you circled.  There should be some overlapping values if not rethink your top 5. 


Now I’m assuming you took a break from this blog and explored the value worksheet and some people you admire and why.  And you’ve discovered your top 5 values.  Good for you!

What are they? Two examples of the top 5 values that my clients  have shared with me are ‘integrity, joy, positivity, fulfillment and vitality’ and ‘achievement, fairness, efficiency, happiness, and security.’ 

Let me ask you:

What did you learn about yourself doing this exercise?

How are you currently implementing your values?


When you're not living in alignment with your core values, how does that impact your life?

In next week’s blog, we’ll explore your strengths or how you achieve the wins in your life.  Then the following week, we’ll delve into your desires or what you want more of and less of in your life, and the final week in this series, we’ll start creating your wellness vision. 

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and thank you for reading this blog about exploring your values. The first part in a four-part series about creating your wellness visionIf you have any questions about this blog, about health and wellness, or wellness coaching with me, please reach out via my website at

Bye for now, and be well,









Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 2: What Skills do You Use to Overcome Challenges?

Creating Your Wellness Vision Part 2: What Skills do You Use to Overcome Challenges?

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