Perfect Attendance Award

Perfect Attendance Award

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

When I was in junior high, my school gave out awards for perfect attendance, and there was one classmate who received the perfect attendance award every year. 

Every single June, at the end of the year award assembly, she would walk up front and receive her award. There was no fist-pumping or high-fiving.  She seemed a bit embarrassed because my classmate probably knew that the rest of the kids, myself included, although, I’m not proud to admit this, at the time, we thought she was kind of a nerd and a bit nuts.   

Now, as a wellness coach, I’m genuinely impressed by her commitment to her education but looking back, when I was a teenager,  I wasn’t awe-struck as much as incredulous and a bit judge-y.  

I mean, really, when did she go to the dentist on Saturday?  Why would she ruin her weekend with a doctors’ appointment?  And isn’t it a God-given student’s right to milk every head-cold within an inch of its life so you can stay home from school and watch reruns (this was way before Netflix!)


Furthermore, I suppose she never put  off studying, hoping, or praying that the tickle in her  throat was strep, and then she’d miss the test and have to take a makeup test (Oh please, please, please!)  No, she knew no matter what, she was going to school, so not studying wasn’t even an option. 

Here we are no longer teenagers, we are all grown up, attempting to make new healthy habits that will then turn into long-lasting lifestyle changes.  What are the takeaways from this story about my fellow student and her outstanding attendance record?

Well, as I see it, there are three lessons from this story:

1-Perfect attendance award:  OK, we’re adults, and there aren't end-of-year assemblies and prizes given out to motivate you to stick with your new habits. Then how do you create that environment for yourself?  The obvious choice, at least to me, is to hire a coach. My main job is coaching my clients to keep track of their success and then congratulate and cheer them on.  Other than that, I suggest finding an accountability buddy or utilize a nightly checklist or create a  calendar challenge.  I have videos explaining all of those options.  No matter what, ensure you develop a system where you consistently recognize your successes and high-five yourself regularly.  Yes, you’ve got to create your perfect attendance award for yourself. 

2-Be all-in:  Like I imagine my classmate knowing there was no out for the test, so wasting time praying for strep throat wasn't an option, and then she just got down to business and prepped for the test; where can you bring that all-In commitment to your habits and goals?  Is it time to stop researching or preparing and start doing?  Where in your life could you be more committed and release yourself from procrastination and simply get to work? 

3-Own it: When you fully commit to some action, you will run up against people who think you're a bit nuts, odd or weird.  Like I said, as a teenager, my classmates and I thought my perfect attendance classmate was nice but a bit nuts (I'm mean, come on, skip a day of school already, what’s the big deal!)  Now, as an adult and a wellness coach knowing what I know about the research in creating habits, I wish I had shown up for school every day.  In the long run, it would have made my life easier. So, where are you letting others' opinions or their perceived opinions hold you back?  Where can you say to heck with other people and do your thing?  Even when it is not popular or easy. Even if you are feeling judged.

In sum, how can you channel my perfect attendance classmate’s mojo by creating your own reward system, deciding to be all-in, and doing your thing despite anyone else’s judgment? 

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and thank you for reading this blog about perfect attendance awardsIf you have any questions about this blog, about health and wellness, or wellness coaching with me, please reach out via my website at

Bye for now, and be well, 













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