How to Listen to Your Intuition

How to Listen to Your Intuition

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

When my clients are unclear about their next moves or their specific goals, or when they have racing thoughts and are talking fast, I gently interrupt, ask them to take a few deep breaths, close their eyes, and sink in.  Just listen.  I ask them what feels right or brings peace.  That’s my way of inviting them to tap into their intuition.

I have been coaching my clients in what  Martha Beck, author of The  Way of Integrity, calls accessing your inner teacher. 

We can hire coaches, take courses, and read books, but how do we sink in and listen to our gut, intuition, inner teacher, and inner truth.  Because, ultimately, as my yoga teacher so aptly says, we are our own best teachers.

And more significantly, when you get that inkling of inner truth, how do you know you’ve hit pay dirt, so to speak.  How do you know it’s The Truth with a capital ‘T’ and not just another good idea? 


According to Martha Beck:

The body’s reaction to recognizing the truth is relaxation.  A literal involuntary release of muscle tension.  A limp feeling. 

When the mind recognizes the truth, you experience that cartoon light bulb, ah-ha moment, eureka, I got it! Everything fits and makes logical sense.

To the heart, the ring of truth feels like a flower opening – those are her words and might be a bit woo-woo for some of you! Yet, when you are in your truth and about to take your next right step, you are open to all feelings, love, anger, even fear.  However, you will never feel an intense dull ache of suffering.

For your soul, your truth feels like freedom.  Again, your choice or action may not be easy, filled with kick-up-your-heals delight and happiness. Your truth and subsequent steps may anger or disappoint another person; you may feel fear. However, there is still a sense of calm, peace, and freedom. 

So,  from now on, when you're trying to dig deep and listen to your inner teacher, your intuition or listen for your truth; however, you word it. When you hit on it, your muscles will physically relax, your mind will go Ah-Ha, your heart will open up to whatever emotion this truth elicits, and most notably, you will feel an overwhelming sense of freedom. 

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and thank you for reading this blog about how to listen to your intuitionIf you have any questions about this blog, about health and wellness, or wellness coaching with me, please reach out via my website at

Bye for now and be well, 









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