My Current Morning Routine

My Current Morning Routine

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

A year and ½ ago, I shot a blog on how to create a better morning routine.  That blog is full of tips and ideas on creating a fantastic, personalized morning routine, including actions you could consider adding to your routine and what I was doing each morning at that time. 

While comparing my morning routine from a year and a half ago to my current morning routine, I realized enough has changed to warrant an updated blog. So,  without further preamble here is what this wellness coach 😉 is up to from when the alarm goes off at 5 am to when my first client calls at 7:15 am.

My wrist Fitbit vibrates every morning at 5 am.  My better half and I had a chat, and this is our compromise from the LIFX light bulb method of waking up. Although I miss the slowly brightening bedroom, concessions must sometimes be made to accommodate our partners.  Right, we don’t live in a vacuum!

Then I repeat my mantra:  ‘I affirm that everything will go well today, and I will enjoy it all.' I’m not just a wellness coach I'm also a human being, so sometimes my first thought is, ‘Ugh! It’s dark and way too early!’  but I make sure this positive mantra is at least my second thought.

Next, I'm off to the bathroom, where I drink 20 oz of water with electrolytes.  I use a product called LYTE-show which has no added sugars or food coloring.  Then I write three things I’m grateful for in my journal.

Now it’s time to wash my face and put on my five or so different products.  Yep, it takes a moment. Ha!


Then I quietly sneak out of the bedroom, allowing my partner his beauty sleep, and go to the kitchen, where I take my vitamin D drops and two squirts of this mushroom tincture for my immune system.  I open the door to my deck and assess the temperature.  Do I bundle up? Ugg’s, hat, maybe blanket for a meditation outside, or do I stay inside on the sofa behind me?  It can go either way during October in Minnesota. 

Outside is fantastic: the stars, the critters, the breeze in the trees, and the fresh air.

However, meditating inside has its perks, too: I light a nice candle, my current candle is a tea tree and spearmint one, and I get to charge my Fitbit.

Either way, I get settled and check for any client messages that may have arrived after I went to sleep.  Don’t worry, I make sure my clients turn their phones off or turn off their notifications when I start working with them to make sure my early morning texts don’t bother them. That said, I have clients in many different time zones, so for some, my early morning is their afternoon or evening.  

Next up is my meditation.  Lately, I set my Insight Timer app for twenty minutes and while I’m settling in, I ask the question, ‘Universe, what do I need to know?’  Then I push the start button on my timer and either follow my breath In and Out or repeat the mantra SO on the inhale and HUM on the exhale, which means:  I am she/he/that or identifying oneself with the universe.

After my meditation, I put my hands in prayer at my third eye and repeat the mantra:  Universe, thank you for putting me in the places you want me to be, with the people you want me to be with, doing the things you want me to do. Thank you for the joys and lessons of my life.  Sat Nam (which means I am truth) and then lastly Namaste meaning the light and love in me, recognizes the light and love in all sentient beings. 

Then I go down to the basement for 10 minutes in front of my Red Rush red and infrared light, repeating my affirmations out loud.  Such as:  I have all that I want and need, and I'm an inspiring and insightful coach, and my clients joyfully reach their goals.  Heck yes, they do! 😉 Ha! Next, it's time to put my sunscreen on. 

Now I'm ready for 15minutes or so of stretching and weights or stretching and practicing my latest yoga moves.  I'm currently working on my forearm stand and, I'm about 90% there. Oh, so close!  I'll keep you posted. 

Now it’s finally time for breakfast, yay! Currently, breakfast is hot water with fresh lemon and oatmeal with flax, chia, walnuts, some vegan protein powder, and blueberries.  About a year ago, I shot a video on what I eat in a typical day and, not too much has changed. Check that out if you want to see me in my kitchen preparing some tasty food.

Again, I decide if I’m eating outside or in.  If outside, I gather my client files, my computer and bring it all outdoors to the deck. 

Before I start eating, I repeat the prayer or mantra:  Mother earth, thank you for providing this food and food, thank you for giving your life to nourish me. Then, while I’m eating breakfast, I balance my QuickBooks accounts and check emails.  (Why do I have four email accounts? Why, oh, why?!)

After breakfast, I bring my dishes inside. Take my vitamins: calcium, vegan omegas with DHA, a multivitamin (mainly for the B12,) and a ¼ tsp turmeric, a fantastic anti-inflammatory. Then, I gather myself for my first client call at 7:15 am.  

Saturday and Sunday are almost identical to Monday through Friday, except I go for a brisk walk outside after my stretching and weights. Therefore, breakfast is a bit later and, I indulge in a book during breakfast or watch some TV.  I don't open my computer (if I can help it!) on the weekends and, of course, I have no client calls.

There you go!  My morning routine starts at 5 am with a positive affirmation and a large glass of water with electrolytes and ends with emails, breakfast, and clients at 7:15 am.

I’m taking care of my mindset with my gratitude journal, affirmations, and mantras.  I'm tending to my body with the red and infrared light, weights and, stretching;  my soul with meditation.  And lastly, practical ‘housekeeping’ matters by checking my QuickBooks accounts and emails. 

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and thank you for reading this blog about my current morning routine.  If you have any questions about this blog, health, wellness, or wellness coaching with me, please reach out via my website at

Bye for now and be well,





























Stand Up!

Stand Up!

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