Rise Early Using a LIFX Light Bulb

Rise Early Using a LIFX Light Bulb

Hello,  I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach, and I’m a firm believer in what I do first thing in the morning gets accomplished. 

Therefore, my morning routine is almost sacred to me. Anything that assists that process I covet, and anything that gets in my way I do my best to eliminate. 

The secret weapon that allows me to rise before my alarm with energy and a positive mood is my LIFX Light Bulb, and I wasn’t paid for this endorsement. 

My LIFX Wi-Fi enabled smart bulb allows me to slowly wake up, before my alarm goes off, to a brightened bedroom. I get out of bed feeling refreshed, and ready to start my day!

The LIFX bulb is programmable using an app on your phone.  You can pick the color. I opt for a bluish hue during the day and a reddish tint at night because nighttime blue light exposure is harmful to sleep and circadian rhythms. However,  the best feature about the bulb is that you can pre-set it to turn on at a specific time, and you can also set the fade duration, choosing between 5 seconds and 60 minutes. I currently have it set for a 5-minute  fade duration, 10 minutes before my alarm goes off.  I’ve also experimented with a 20-minute fade and a 30-minute fade.  I tend to be a light sleeper and want to wake up naturally before my alarm, but not too early.  


If you purchase the LIFX bulb, I suggest you experiment to find out what works best for you.  

If you want to feel as if you are naturally waking up before the sun rises without jarring yourself awake when your alarm goes off, use this bulb.  There is nothing like peacefully waking up because your room is brighter.  I can't recommend it highly enough.  Other bulbs do the same thing, and there are even “alarm” lamps you can purchase; however, this is the only product I’ve used, these bulbs have lasted well over a year. I can’t say enough about them. 

My morning routine currently starts at 5 am, and this bulb gets me up, and I'm in a great mood.  If you are an early bird or if you desire to create a more productive morning but can’t quite wake up and get out of bed, I highly recommend you try the LIFX bulb. 

I’m Liz Moser, thanks for watching this and if you have any questions about this vlog or health and wellness, in general, please email me at lizm@lizmosercoaching.com

Bye for now!  Liz

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