What’s the Price of Success?

What’s the Price of Success?

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, and I’m a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach. 

The writer, Rudyard Kipling, said about the price of success:

"If you don't get what you want, it's a sign either that you did not seriously want it, or that you tried to bargain over the price."

Pretty simple,  right? When you don't get what you want, it’s because you either didn't want it badly enough or you didn't want to pay full price.   

In a no-nonsense way, Kipling makes a lot of sense.

However, sometimes the price of success or simply what you need to do to get you from point A to point B is a mystery? 

You've tried x, y, and z, and nothing works?  Or, what has worked in the past isn't working now.  You're desperate, maybe scared, maybe feeling some shame or guilt.

And, you're sick of people telling you just follow the plan or the program.  You'd do what it takes if you only knew what it was. You'd do it if you could.  

Think about it, if all it takes to be a nutritious eater or a regular exerciser was to read a book or join a gym, respectively, wouldn't everyone be fit and healthy?  Who doesn't have at least several diet books growing dusty on their shelves and who hasn't purchased a gym membership that got little or no use. 

You know precisely what you're supposed to do to live a healthy and well life.

Yet knowledge isn’t enough, and I'm not going to insult you and say if you aren't fit and healthy, its because you don't want it badly enough, and you don't want to pay the price.   

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OK, So now what?  

The good news is that Now What is what Wellness Coaching is all about.

When you hire me, I promise you I will not be yet another person in your life who’s lecturing you on what you should do

The first thing we will do is to dive into your WHYs or:

  • Why are you seeking a healthier lifestyle?
        Why are these goals important to you?
        Why are these goals necessary for focusing on your life's real purpose?
        What specific things will improve if you reach these goals?

Then we will explore your HOWs or:

  • How will you reach your goals?
        What are your strengths?
        What internal and external forces propel you forward?
        What are your tools for success that you currently possess?

And finally, we will expand on your WHATs or:

  • What are your desires?
    What do you want more of?
        What do you want less of? 

Then, we will take  this information that is unique for you, and we’ll move forward on your wellness coaching journey which is, in  essence, you moving closer to your most well self.  

I know you seriously want to reach your health and wellness goals, and I know you are ready to do whatever it takes.  Together we’ll transform what you think you should do into what you want to do, to live a healthier more vibrant life.

I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach, and I can't wait to coach you towards your most well self.

If you have any questions about this blog/vlog or if you have any questions about health or wellness, please email me at lizm@lizmosercoaching.com

Bye for now!


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