All tagged Goal Oriented

What are Keystone Habits?

Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life and Business, defines a keystone habit as “changes or habits that people introduce into their routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives.” Think of a keystone habit as a pebble thrown into a pond that creates multiple ripples or additional benefits in your life. For my clients, getting their food in order is a keystone habit that automatically carries over to other areas of their lives.

My New Year’s "Namaste" Challenge

Staring January 1st, 2020 I will be challenging myself to go without caffeine and TV while increasing my meditation to two 20 minute sessions each day. In the blog, I explain why I’m doing this and how I plan on accomplishing this 10-week challenge.

The Habits Scorecard

The first step in either adding or subtracting a habit, according to James Clear author of Atomic Habits, is a process of self-discovery called the Habits Scorecard. This exercise is the first coaching tool I use if my clients are seeking a general up-leveled life.

Reframe Mental Health as Brain Health

Dr. Daniel Amen uses brain SPECT imaging to determine which parts of the brain are possibly under-functioning, over-functioning or even damaged. Then he tailors his treatment to each patient’s scan results treating such issues as depression, addiction,concussion, and traumatic brain injuries just to name a few.

Care to WOOP It Up?

In this blog, I talk about the  WOOP or wish, outcome, obstacle, plan.  WOOP is a systematic way to increase motivation and change behavior. It’s based on 20 years of research in the science of motivation, and it presents a unique and surprising idea: the obstacles that we think most impede us from fulfilling our wishes can actually help us to realize them.

The Change Triangle

The Change Triangle is a map. A guide to carry you from a place of disconnection back to your true Self. It's a step-by-step process for simply feeling better. It works by getting you reacquainted with core emotions like joy, anger, sadness, fear, and excitement

Eisenhower Box

Today I want to talk about a method of organizing and prioritizing your day, week even your life. President Dwight D Eisenhower created this tool aptly named the Eisenhower Box. Eisenhower’s strategy for taking action and organizing tasks is relatively simple. Using this decision matrix, you will separate your activities based on four possibilities.

What Does Support Look Like?

As a wellness coach, I help my clients to set priorities and implement positive lifestyle changes. For the most part, my clients want to either add a healthy habit or subtract an unhealthy habit from there life. They are seeking from our coaching relationship whatever combination of support and accountability it will take to assist them towards their lifestyle goals.

Create Habits with the Calendar System

What are the habits you want to add or subtract from your life that keeps alluding you despite your best efforts?  Or, what's that habit on your nightly checklist you keep circling instead of crossing off? Well, whether it's meditation, journaling, exercising, or eating more fruits and veggies, what's worked for me is a tool Jerry Seinfeld popularized.  His foolproof method to add a habit is his calendar system.

Keep Showing Up

Our healthy daily habits are the most important way we show up for ourselves. Think about it; we don't know what the tree will look like that will grow from the seed we plant today.  But we know for sure we won't have a tree in the future if we don’t plant that seed. So, when you show up for yourself by keeping your wellness commitments, those daily habits put you on a path towards your healthiest self.

What’s the Price of Success?

Think about it, if all it takes to be a nutritious eater or a regular exerciser was to read a book or join a gym, respectively, wouldn't everyone be fit and healthy?  Who doesn't have at least several diet books growing dusty on their shelves and who hasn't purchased a gym membership that got little or no use. 

Rise Early Using a LIFX Light Bulb

If you want to feel as if you are naturally waking up before the sun rises without jarring yourself awake when your alarm goes off, use this bulb.  There is nothing like peacefully waking up because your room is brighter.  I can't recommend it highly enough.  Other bulbs do the same thing, and there are even “alarm” lamps you can purchase; however, this is the only product I’ve used, these bulbs have lasted well over a year. I can’t say enough about them. 

Meditation Builds Willpower

A meditation practice is an essential habit that will support the changes in the brain that are necessary to become someone who is steady and stable enough long term to live a life that includes the new healthy habit or a life without the unhealthy habit.