Today, Holidays and Cheat Days

Today, Holidays and Cheat Days

Hi, I’m Liz Moser, and I’m a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach.

Two weeks ago, I celebrated my birthday.

It was both like any other Thursday: I Zoomed into my Toastmaster’s meeting, recorded a video for all of you, meditated, exercised, ate 3 healthy meals, etc.. A normal Thursday. 

And a little bit different.  Well, it was my birthday!  My better half Dan decorated my sunroom/office and made me a homemade card. Waking up to that made my day!  I also received a ton of birthday messages, texts, and calls.  All and all, it was a beautiful day!

The more you live a nourishing life each day, the less you want the special days or holidays to be any different than usual.  Or the only difference needs to be that you want to spend more time with the people you care about most. 

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With-In the last three years:
I embraced daily meditation.
I let go of animal products.
I gave up sugar and flour.
I let go of  alcohol,
Sleeping in,

And, most importantly: Cheat days.

Releasing what doesn’t serve you mentally, physically, and spiritually creates a life of sameness or simplicity.  It creates a  simple life where what’s left is the best of the best. 

In that case, cheat days hold no value.  They’re meaningless. 

Anything that adds value to your life is worth doing, and over time becomes more enjoyable, and anything enjoyable is worth doing every single day. 

My lifestyle is about choosing health, and calm simplicity, choosing less drama, and less noise.  

Simplicity is finding what works for you, adds value for you while letting the rest go.

First, I let go of animal products, sugar, flour, and alcohol.  I let go of needing to check out the latest restaurants and sampling the newest wine. 

Then I let go of caffeine and tv while upping my meditation.

The more we let go of the substances and activities that don’t serve us, the more we empower ourselves with the realization that we don't need to consume (caffeine, sugar, tv, alcohol) to increase productivity, entertain or calm us.

Because we inherently possess the ability to accomplish all that.  We are innately stronger, more creative, and more resilient than we think we are.    

When we live our sweetest most empowered lives every day, special days, like birthdays, are like every other day but with the bonus of acknowledgments from and interactions with those we love.

When we let go of our belief that we need certain substances, activities, or possessions to be happy, the more we see our empowered, strong selves.  The more each day in its sameness and simplicity is our best day. 

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach, and thank you for reading this blog if you have any questions about this blog, or if you have any questions about health and wellness or wellness coaching with me, please contact me through this website at

Bye for now and be well!  Liz























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