Transforming a Wellness Vision into Action

Transforming a Wellness Vision into Action

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

Over the last four weekly blogs, I shared the process for my initial kick-off call with my coaching clients.  During the call, we explore the clients’ values, strengths, and desires. I then synthesize the information and create a document summarizing the key points of the call and a personalized sample wellness vision just for them. 

The Mayo Clinic Defines a wellness vision as:

‘A compelling statement that describes you at your most actualized self.  It defines what you truly desire and how you live when you're most aligned with your values and purpose. The wellness vision should give you confidence, energy, and authentication.’

From there, my clients edit their visions, and we use their personalized wellness visions as the foundation for our next three months of coaching. 

In today’s blog, I want to flesh out what I mean as a ‘foundation for our coaching,’ or more specifically, I want to show you how my clients and I transform their wellness visions into action.

I will walk you through the questions I ask my clients that elicit their next steps.  My job as a coach is to ask the right questions, listen with my ears and intuition to their answers, while holding space for them to discover their best subsequent actions. 

Now grab the wellness visions you created after reading last week’s blog.  Or, if you don't know what I'm talking about, please listen to the four-part blog series explaining how to discover your values, strengths, and desires and last week’s final vlog creating your wellness vision. 


Either get hold of your wellness visions or come back to this vlog when you’ve watched my last four weekly vlogs.

OK, I’ll assume you’re listening with your wellness visions in hand.  Now using pen and paper, it’s time to answer some questions.  This journaling exercise will elicit the best use of your wellness visions.

Without further delay, the ten questions to assist you in transforming your wellness vision into action are:   


1-    What specific change do you think would move you closer to your wellness vision?

2-    What are the main reasons why this change is essential to you now?  Would you please keep in mind your wellness vision and personal priorities, not just what others might say about why this should be important to you?

3-    What are some possible next steps you’d be willing to take to make progress in this area? I invite you to brainstorm as many possible next steps as you can.  Go for quantity over quality!

4-    Considering your brainstorming ideas of possible next steps, what do you think would be most enjoyable, most gratifying, and most likely to succeed?

5-    What are the possible sources of support, either people or resources, to help you successfully make a change?

6-    Think of possible roadblocks as you attempt steps toward change. Then, how will you work around them?

7-    How will you know that you are making progress?  When might the time come to rework your plan?

8-    Considering your responses to the previous questions, what is a specific goal that seems essential and realistic for you. Try to make the goal specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-limited.  Or in coaching terms ‘SMART’ or a  S.M.A.R.T. goal. 

9-    Your  specific goal is to ______________.
Your next step to meet that goal is ______________.

10-             Your confidence in your abilities to achieve that goal is: pick a number between 0 meaning no confidence and 10 connotation total confidence.  I suggest you consider refining the plan if your confidence rating is below a 7.

In sum, it takes time, and commitment, to look inside and explore what’s important to you, your strengths and what you desire. So, yay, you’ve put in the work and written your wellness visions!  Now it is time to answer the ten questions in today’s blog, supporting you in brainstorming your next steps, setting up the support you need and getting you up out of your comfy chair, and taking that first action toward your healthier future self. 

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and thank you for reading this blog on how to transform your wellness vision into action.  If you have any questions about this blog, about health and wellness, or wellness coaching with me, please reach out via my website at

Bye for now and, be well,























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