Acknowledging and Allowing Our Wants

Acknowledging and Allowing Our Wants

Hi, I'm Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and over the last two weeks, I did three cool things in the spirit of acting on a  want or desire.  I allowed myself to ask for what I wanted in the hopes of creating more ease, fun, connection, and joy in my life. 

In general, my life's humming along.  I have no significant complaints, but COVID is wearing on, and my mood’s perhaps a little lower than usual. 

So, I asked myself,  “How can I go from 8 ½  on the 1-10 happiness scale to a 9 or a 9 ½?  And I came up with three actions:

First:  I decided to hire a coach.  Again, not because my life is terrible, not out of any enormous need but solely for an extra layer of connection and support.  And as a coach, I believe in the power of the coach-client relationship.  So, I reached out to a friend and colleague, and I asked her to be my coach. 

Here is the message I sent her:

“Hi, your thoughtful posts, and blogs inspire me. Although my life is humming along and my habits are in place, the current unrest and uncertainty are shaking me, and I feel like I need more support.  Do you have the bandwidth right now to take on another client? I have nothing specific I want to work on, other than, I know I feel the need for some grounding and a deeper connection with myself.  What do you say?”

Guess what, sometimes we get what we ask for, she graciously accepted me as a client, and we started two weeks ago.  She is a fantastic mentor, coach, and teacher.  Our coaching sessions are an hour-long, and then she gives a homework journaling assignment. 

Spoiler alert, I think my answers to her homework assignments might inspire some future videos and blogs 😉

Second:  I decided I wanted to create a nonfiction book group.  Yes, I was tired of the nonfiction books sitting on my shelf, shaming me. Ha! So, I reached out to several colleagues I know and admire but are not in my current inner circle to form a book group.  I asked several people, and they all said yes!

Our first book is White Fragility: Why is it so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin Diangelo and we will be meeting in a few weeks to discuss it. The next one will be Untamed by Glennon Doyle.  From there, we will decide what to read as a group, and we’ll meet once a month to discuss a different book.

I am looking forward to my new nonfiction book group!

Third,  I looked at some of the happiest, most joyful times in my life, and I thought about when I owned my horse and rode almost every day.  What a beautiful connection I had with my four-legged guy and my friends at the stable. 

So, I made some inquiries about leasing a horse, which is simply paying someone to use their horse several days a week.  It is like a rental program. Ha! I am still reaching out and I haven't heard back yet.  But I intend to get back to a barn and horseback riding and I am sure an opportunity will present itself soon.  I really miss it!   

In sum, go ahead,  allow yourself to ask for what you want. It does not have to be a Need with a capital N.  You can simply look at your life and say, "Hmm, what would it take to create more ease, fun, connection, or joy in my life?”

Well, currently for me that’s hiring a coach, it's creating a  nonfiction book group, and it’s asking my horse friends if they know of a horse I can hang out with a few days a week. 

I’m curious, what could you do to give yourself more ease, fun, connection, or joy in your life?

I’m Liz Moser, a Mayo Clinic and National Board Certified Health and Wellness coach, but more importantly, a fellow wellness seeker just like you.  Thanks for watching this video, and I hope you have a week where you permit yourself to ask for what you want.  Who knows, you might get it 😊

Bye for now and be well! Liz   










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